Thursday, May 29, 2008

Smart TIPS to a Programmer For a Better Performance

Here are some of Smart TIPS (Related to System) which you can follow before you start any new projects..

I know most of the people know each & every point I am going to write below, but we never follow (some times including me). I feel I could have share these things with you people to use this tips for better performance.
1). Check your system configuration & Performance. Format it If it is Required (I prefer a formatted System Help’s in Better Performance) & Install the new Softwares which are required for that Particular New Project.

2). Uninstall All the unnecessary Softwares in the System..(Do this for sure)… These unnecessary Softwares takes so much of unnecessary space in the RAM..

3). Remove the Temporary Files from System at least twice a Week. These temporary files eat the performance of the system. Take help from Network team if necessary. (you can type “%temp%” in RUN Window.. it will roots you to temporary Files folder & remove the Temporary files from the folder).

4).From “DAY 1” Keep a Folder Structure for the Project’s & Maintain all the Corresponding Documents in the corresponding Folders. Never forget you are paving a easy road to you for easy reference of the documents.

Keep a Dedicated Folder in any Drive With Name “Projects” (Other than C:\ , Since The OS will be Installed on this drive, so if any Problem in the OS it will Crash’s C:\.. So never keep any documents in the OS installed Drive) .
it not only help’s you , it will helps other people in searching the documents easily to help you in some Urgency situations where you may not available in the Office”
So Follow A structure..

E:\ Projects -->ProjectName1 -->Chats
------------------------------------->Status Reports
------------------------------------->CodeSnippets (R&D)
------------------------------------->References & Gatherings ..etc

---------------->ProjectName2 -->Chats
------------------------------------->Status Reports
------------------------------------->CodeSnippets (R&D)
------------------------------------->References & Gatherings ..etc
Feel Free in creating your own creativity in creating the folder structure which could help you in managing things very easily. Above mentioned are some of the samples.. (tell you one thing some times it takes hours & hours to search for a Simple Document to show it to client immediately)

Maintain the good Folder structure where ever it is Problem in all DRIVES. Don’t Keep any fuzzy folder Structures in Main Drives. (Believe it or not In one of my friends System I have seen almost 200 or above unnecessary folder in the Main drive like C: , D:.. Very Confusing folder structures)

5). if you are facing problem with system or Software Post the issue immediately , or intimate it to the corresponding person to get it Fixed soon.

6). Check & Keep on track the Performance of the System on a weekly basis… Never forget your new project Might Requires you to run HIGHEND Softwares in it. So Check your system. Take help from Network people for improving the system performance.

7). Check is your Email is Configured in OutLook & also IM Configured with Corresponding ID or not. If not inform immediately this to Network team & Get it done.

8). Check all the Necessary Softwares for the New Project are installed or not. Check the corresponding Version too. (Say the client say’s Sqlserver2000, unfortunately we installed Sqlserver2005.. That will be a Mistake for sure).. So check whether the Exact version is installed what Client is Expecting.

9). Keep your Past work with you for Future references. (If you Maintain Folder structure you will be having your Past work with you, which might be use full in some of the concepts). Not only Handwork is Important sometimes Smart work is very important.

10). If you find time keep your research works in a folder like “CodeSnippets (R&D)”, which might be helpful in future references..

11). Keep your Desktop Clean. (I heard some where saying “Your Desktop resembles your Current Mental Strategy”)

Don’t forget following these things also makes your everyday work easier & light weighted :).

After all Our Final Weapon in this Software Industry is Our System… So keep your system Clean & Be successful in all the works you are going to Start.. I wish you All the Best…

( I feel Smart People follow Smart steps to Finish thing's Successful in Style...
like me .. Just Kidding...)

please Provide your comments & suggestions ….

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